EUITI University School-Mines - Bilbao

From upv ingenieros peritos y minas

Place: Bilbao
Surface: 52.000 m2
Archuitects: ACXT-IDOM
Material: Multiperforated Lacquered Galvanised Steel
Photos: Aitor Ortiz
Bilbao International


From OKE Ortuella-Corten Steel
From OKE Ortuella-Corten Steel
From OKE Ortuella-Corten Steel

Architects: AQ4 Arquitectura
Material: Expanded and Perforated Corten Steel.

A new Cultural Centre with a surface of 3,480 square metres will soon be opened in Ortuella, Spain. Beside other facilities it will have two libraries and several exhibition halls.
The building is a work of AQ4 Architecture studio, which won the idea contest organized by the town council in 2003.
The double-skin facade is made of a combination of expanded and perforated corten steel.

La Casa de Cultura del municipio bizkaino de Ortuella abrirá sus puertas próximamente con 3480 m2 de superficie. Cuenta entre sus instalaciones con dos bibliotecas, salas de exposiciones…etc.
Es una obra del estudio AQ4 Arquitectura, quienes ganaron el concurso de ideas que propuso el ayuntamiento  en el año 2003
La fachada de doble piel esta realizada en acero corten expandido o perforado, según zonas, actuando como filtro solar y reduciendo el consumo energético del edificio.
Video del proyecto

Mas fotos del proyecto // more photos.

Nerua Restaurant - Guggenheim Museum - Bilbao

Nerua Restaurant. Bilbao. Guggenheim Museum
Architects: IDOM - ACXT
Material: Embossed Perforated Aluminium

Livity School - London


Architects: haverstock associates
Material: Perforated Stainless Steel (Inox Steel)

USANZA Space Concept - Vitoria

Usanza spacial concept:
Aitor Mtz de Zuazo
Blanca San Vicente
Igor Zorrakin
NoNoN arkitektura:

Material Imar: Expanded Lacquered Aluminium


The “L” shaped, client demands, and local rules that didn´t give us freedom to act on the façade
were the main tasks to start with. A new way of thinking to unify the whole concept. The only
free space to work was the ceiling and the furniture should be designed the same way, so
everything would give a global sense of space. For the ceiling we work for a surface that could
change in shape, height and ambience, so could look different depending on the place you were
looking at, on the natural light, night light, and a technical lighting towards the clothes. We had
to find an opaque surface that could change heights, directions and another permeable one
place on the other, that could reflect the interior lighting of the roof into a mutant surface, that
changed in colour and transparency depending on the place you are on the shop. Like an
artificial fly eye. Then the task to find the better way for each furniture that shouldn´t break the
spatial and lighting concept ruled by the ceiling. Each furniture seems to move with the ceiling,
so even they have a specific function they are all in relation with it. The clothing system of tshirts,
 jackets and so on, must be versatile depending on the length and on the seasons. So we
need 4 different heights to adapt that demand. The trousers furniture, must leave half of it to be
shown, while a continuous folding surface serves to put accessories, and grows from a
transparent case for accessories and at the end it transforms into a sit, to relax or to put on the
shoes. The shoes furniture must be moveable as behind it covers the electric and lighting
panels, and also registered to change the back lighting. Then the shoes are placed in different
ways on moving shelves, so the client has freedom to show them the way he wants. Finally the
main entrance and cash place is a kind of transparent cantilevered jewellery showcase that
hides a small office and archive furniture. Thanks to the spatial continuity, the uniqueness of
each piece of furniture, flexibility, and a complex lighting system the shop becomes a sensorial

Toyo Ito - Social Housing- Logroño

Social Housing- Logroño- Spain.
Architect: Toyo Ito:
Material:  Expanded Lacquered Aluminium.
More Photos: PicasaWeb

New exhibition pavilions in Gdańsk, Poland - Amber Expo -


Material: Expanded Lacquered Galvanised Steel
Achitects: Fort Architekci

Banc Sabadell New Headquarters - St Cugat del Vallés- Barcelona

Nuevas Oficinas Centrales- Banco Sabadell- New Headquartes
Material: Expanded Aluminium
Architects:  Bach Arquitectes 

BTEK. Centro de Interpretación de la Tecnología

BTEK. Centro de Interpretación de las nuevas Tenologías.
Malla en metal expandido. Aluminio anodizado en negro.

Expanded metal mesh. Anodised black aluminium

Arquitecto: Gonzalo Carro- ACXT-Idom
Lugar: Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia- Derio.

Mas información: revista Euskotek